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Hours: Mon-Sat 10:00AM-6:00PM | Sun 11:00AM-5:00PM
About East Bay Nature
Joanie's Blog
Seeds, Nuts and Suet
Our Seed Mixes
Bird Walk Schedule
Store Location
Back Yard Birding Tips
Books and Field Guides

East Bay Nature carries a huge selection of field guides, nature-oriented books, children's books and fold-out guides from these publishers / distributors:*

Aark ABA
Audubon Azalea Creek
Bauer Bay Nature Magazine
Bee Diverse Birdco
Birding Company Birdwatcher's Digest
Crane Creek Graphics DK Publishing
Earth, Sun, Moon Heyday Books
Local Birds Lone Pine
Lukas Guides MDIA
Penguin Books Quick Reference Guide
Songbird Essentials STOKES
Willow Creek

* availability in each store may vary.

A conversation with...

If there is one thing that strikes fear in my heart it’s the sight of a Black Widow Spider. You don’t see them too often, but when you do it’s a surprise that makes you jump back a few feet or all the way into the neighbor’s pool. You start to wonder where else in the house they might be hiding. It’s not like they jump out at you or...

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East Bay Times Article

Attracting birds and bees to our yards and gardens is simple, if we provide what they like and need.

Joanie Smith, owner of East Bay Nature in Walnut Creek, says there are five essential elements for success — water, food, cover, nesting and safety.

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